Love Local


Let's get earty - by Merelyn Carter
Shop Local - Show you local love
The concept of purchasing local products and services makes us feel good. We tend to focus on the benefits of a reduced environmental footprint, but there are so many other wins when you Love Local. With small businesses now making up around 98 per cent of all businesses in Victoria, here are Aunty Amy’s top 10 reasons to Love Local.
  1. Locally made products are often cheaper because the cost of transport and delivery is reduced.
  2. Supporting local business promotes pride in the quality of the products and services offered because businesses want to be well respected in their local community - great news for the consumer.
  3. If you know the people you serve, you are more likely to do well by them - promoting honesty, integrity and accountability.
  4. The money stays local and if the local economy is good, then the input back into the neighbourhood will be higher.
  5. Local business owners live in the community, are less likely to leave, and are more invested in the community's future.
  6. Growth and innovation is stimulated in the community in which the business is established - more opportunities for all.
  7. Local businesses boost economic growth by providing local employment opportunities - other families can work locally, perpetuating the cycle.
  8. Local retailers develop relationships of co-operation and networking - businesses doing well help each other more.
  9. Family businesses do not have the negative impact on other local businesses that large corporations can have - everybody does better.
  10. Local businesses provide greater flexibility for owners and employees which can lead to a better work/life balance - building happier families and happier communities.
Buy Local - Show your local love
Aunty Amy’s Natural Remedies is a family business, providing the community with great service and locally made products.
Love Local, Love Aunty Amy’s 100% Natural and nothing else!

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